Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Internet and its freedom

All good internet comes at a cost, fortunately ours is provided for free by my dad's work, GE. A few months ago we were upgraded to Business Cable from Comcast, and I have yet to perform a good speed test. 7 Mbps download is quite amazing, but what's really nice is the upload speed at 1.3 Mbps. That is a lot more then I was expecting for Cable, though it is no where near fiber optic, at 15 Mbps download and 17 Mbps Upload in my area... I'll take what I can get and give nothing back in this case (except what I upload to my website, even the non-direct link areas, physics and web boards being two of the hidden areas of my website)

here's an up date a server out of San Fransisco gave me 20 Mbps down.. sweet.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


What would it be like if time had no meaning? or if we lived in a world without time. I wonder what the physics of this world would be. Would there be something to take it's place?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In responce to a responce

Lino A Graglia wrote, University of Texas Professor of Law, "Purporting merely to enforce the Constitution, the Supreme Court has for some thirty years usurped and exercised legislative powers that its predecessors could not have dreamed of, making itself the most powerful and important institution of government in regard to the nature and quality of life in our society... it has literally decided issues of life and death, removing from the states the power to prevent or significantly restrain the practice of abortion, and, after effectively prohibiting capital punishment for two decades, now imposing such costly and time-consuming restrictions on its use as almost to amount to prohibition. In the area of morality and religion, the Court has removed from both the federal and state government nearly all power to prohibit the distribution and sale or exhibition of pornographic materials.... it has prohibited the states from providing for prayer or Bible-reading in public schools. The Court has created for criminal defendants rights that do not exist under any other system of law-- for example, the possibility of almost endless appeals with all costs paid by the state-and which have made the prosecution and conviction of criminals so complex and difficult as to make the attempt frequently seem not worthwhile. It has severely restricted the power of the states and cities to limit marches and other public demonstrations and otherwise maintain order in the streets and other public places." (The constitution A heavenly Banner, pg 26-7 Ezra Taft Benson)

Our freedoms are being eroded away. Today we in many cases no longer have the choice, but are coerced into doing, or acting, or believing in this case, a certain way. I fear at this rate we’ll no longer have property rights within a decade. Article of faith 11 reads, “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” In many ways others would restrict us from such privileges. My ancestors fought for the beloved freedoms we have now, and now our freedoms are being thrown to the way side, which freedoms were bought with a heavy price. What is the price of freedom?

Monday, July 14, 2008

phone post

hi all this is just a test! it's not too bad for posting from because it has a full qwerty keyboard! so hopefully I'll post more!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


well I've gotten back up to 61 WPM on my typing.

61 words

Speed test

it's been quite a while since my last post so i am very sorry!

I've graduated with a BS in physics from UVU this last Wednesday. This is a relief. (UNDERSTATEMENT)

well chad is over. I'm going to go play some computer games. so relaxing to not have any due.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The view

Well it's been an uninteresting week for me, aside from a few movies I've seen of course. My best friend flew off to Blackpool England Saturday, so it's been rather quite. Classical music is playing in the background and it's very soothing. Very nice for a cloudy day. It makes me want to watch Masters and commanders: The far side of the Sea, and the Horatio Hornblower series (which I have been watching the last few days. Instead of studying...). As sci-fi as I am I love a good High Seas kind of movie. They make me appreciate the time period that I live in, however I do wish life was slower sometimes like back then
We saw Indiana Jones and the crystal skull today. It was a good movie but too science fiction for a archeologist I think. Straying too much from the old Indiana Jones history.
I've been on a Digital electronics fest lately, I even had plans to build my own 7400 TTL processor, straight from just logic gates. but I think instead of doing it based on an 8bit processor design, I'll just do a 4 bit one (something like this). If I can get a PLD programmer (PLD = programmable logic device) then maybe I'll build an 8bit or 16bit one for fun. Especially if I can get one to proram the Atmel ATF2500C. but that'd set me back 600$ and I don't have that kind of money yet. I will, but when I do I wont have time to play with it... such is life.
Only 23 some odd days left until school is out and I graduate with a Bachelores in Physics! very exciting! Well I better be off, the only productive thing I've done today (installing windows Vista Ultimate on my dest top) is done. I want to get it updated and up to speed. It's finally replacing my Windows XP patition. I should probably pick a version of linux and install that too... on well my hand are hurting from typing too much..... Silly broken finger!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Since it takes me forever to post i normally haven't now for the last week! I'm sorry!

I've been studying up on Digital Electronics lately, I even pulled out single board computer! it's so much fun. Tim and I are going to build our own 4 bit processor from 7400 and 4000 ttl logic chips for fun!! wish us luck!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


At a church activity yesterday at 1900 I tried to catch a foot ball... that didn't work... and I fratured my left pinky, now my hand and arm is in a brace

25 words


That's what I can do typing wise with one hand... my programing class just got very hard...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

so I've tried my luck at typing faster, and this time I got 75 WPM yay, that makes me feel better.

73 words

Speed test

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday? already?

So it doesn't feel like Wednesday. It's been an interesting week. I'm working on 2 physics research projects, and sadly the one I get paid for is being neglected!

I saw Iron Man today with my brother Robbie, It was amazing. Okay so it was my second time watching the movie... Minus a scene in the first 15 minutes and it's a really good movie. I want to be a genius like Tony Stark. Though he is an EE (Electrical Engineer) and I'm a Physicist! So... I guess I better brush up on my electronics skills.

My Ethics and Values teacher had us do reaction papers for class this morning. So being a physics kind of a person I did mine on the topic of physics, and now matter has primary and secondary qualities. Well we picked one to read at random, and then after spending 50 minutes on that paper, he decided he wanted to read mine to the class as well. HA! We tore it apart in class. great.. and I defended myself sort of well. My teacher wants me to study philosophy more, he says it'll be good for me in my physics career.

Then I dosed off in my Political Science class... by accident. Next week we have a test, I guess I better read more from the book...

Then my Theatre class. My teacher had me act a part in an improve demonstration of conflict. and how when we raise the stakes it makes things more exciting

Character & Obstacle = Conflict

It was great! I used violence at first.. to get the paper.. and he was like.. "Dude, you could have asked me for the paper.." and I laughed.. and turned bright red. Then we redid the scene.. and he was like ok... how you need to get the paper from me in like 5 seconds. So the scene begins. Me:"Hey I need that paper!"
teacher: "No! I need to sit on it"
Me: "WHY?"
teacher: "The world will stop spinning and well all go splat up against the wall."
Me: "IF I don't get that paper in 5 seconds the boiler will explode!"
Teacher: "well the voices in my head told me that I have to sit on the paper, or we're all dead!"
Me: "GET OFF THAT PAPER! or I'll be forced to do something!"
Teacher: "NO!"
I then proceeded to push the teacher off the table so I can grab the paper.. and he pretends to go splat up against the wall.

and that was about the sum of my day.

pretty eventful.

Stuffles signing off.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

typing speed

Okay so I got back from Arizona where Alishka and her roommate A went to pick up her car so she can have it up here in Provo. It was a good trip.

Anyway I read Alishka's blog and decided to try the speed test, and I only got 66 words per minute. Not terrible!

66 words

Speed test

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Live anew

Well Today was rather interesting

I got up at 5:30 am for my 7am class. that was interesting! It was my Ethics and Values class.. and I wasn't allowed participate for half the meeting because I was a physicist and I knew the answer to most of his questions.

then my 8:45 am class came around. POLS 1100.. it was crazy. I'll leave it at that.

Then my 10:25am class up in GT.. 6 floors is a lot of stairs to clime in 5 minutes across half a mile... I was hoping there'd be more ladies in my Thea 1013 class.. but that was not the case.. 1 girl and 5 guys.. ugg.. I felt like I was back in a physics class... only I wasn't learning physics.

Then I had a two hour break. I went to the book store to purchase the books for the classes I had that day, to make sure I was getting the right ones. damages came out to 130$. Not bad for a semester at 12 credit hours. I think I might keep all of these books too. there's still one I'd like to get, and that's the second volume to my Java Software development class.

I had noodles for lunch goofed around for an hour. and then went to my Java software Development class at 2pm

it was good, but the whole period was spent going over the reasons why Java is good, and why it's bad, and then what features it has, and what features it doesn't have. The last 10 minutes we went over a simple Hello world program.. yay, I can write my first java program now. During the class I had time to download a the Java JDK and 2 IDE's for the language. it helps when the school has a very nice internet connection. I ran after class and picked Robbie up from school.

I had a meeting at the church to go over how to use the church software, that was interesting. all the while I got a text from Alishka saying she was too full and cold to get ice cream with me... I was looking forward to visiting with Alishka and getting ice cream with her! So the news was depressing to say the least.

And now I find myself here, writing this blog. joyful and triumphant.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Today I made a trip to UVSC to hand visit with my Optics professor, and ran into my research professor. It was fun because me and Dr. Matheson (my research professor) ran to Bestbuy and bought a wireless network bridge kit for our solar lab trainer project. It was fun talking with him.

Afterwards I traveled home and where my family and I then left to pick up pkk, my younger brother, from school to go to the movies to see Forbidden kingdom. It was a great movie... though I had too much popcorn again! We came straight home because we were too full of junk food for dinner. On the way home we drove by the park where my old singles ward was having their family home evening; since it was close to my house I decided to drop by and tell my old friends about my exciting news as of last Tuesday (That I got a great offer from the University of Utah's physics Ph.D. program and and I received a teaching assistantship to help with expenses.). They were playing kickball and I decided to join in. We don't really know who's team won, but we had fun.

It was very good visiting with some of my old friends. They were all very surprised to see me because I haven't been to the ward in 2 months. (I have been attending my family ward, which has been good for me!) Anyway it's been quite an eventful day. After coming home me and pkk cooked ourselves up some food, and we watched the last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise - these are the voyages. It was a weird, yet very good episode. and now here I am, blogging away.

I have been chatting with Alishka throughout the day. She has a crazy week schedule, and her grandmother's memorial is in a few days. I hope she is well.

I'm still debating on whither or not I want to move out for this coming fall semester up at the University of Utah.. or if I want to commute. My friends are telling me to move, my family wants me to commute... My professors are telling me to move up there, and experience it. We'll see who wins. Hopefully me!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Beautiful days

Yesterday after the visits with Alishka I waited around for my other friends to show up, where we ended up watching all 5 hours of Pride and Prejudice (BBC/A&E version). it was glorious! Although I went through 3 sets of speakers to find ones loud enough to hear over the other TV in the house.

Then today I gave the lesson in Elders Quorum. The talk from conference that I chose was Born Again by Elder Christofferson. It was great. The weather is beautiful, and our home teachers are coming over soon!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Movie days

Well today has been quite the adventure and it's not even over yet!

In waking up this morning from sleeping in until 1030 I got online and started chatting with my amazing friend Alishka! I told her I was thinking of taking myself to a movie, and she was like, "you should bring a friend! it's more then that way (paraprased of course)." so I asked her if she wanted to go. and she was like sure! so we went to the movies. We saw Nim's Island today at 1300. It was a very good movie, and we both enjoyed it. After words I went to Provo Town center mall and picked up my trial contacts. I hope this new pair works out. After getting home I chatted more with Alishka and she introduced me to her blog... that made me want to start my old blog back up (She inspired me!). It'll have to be my adventures as a grad student; for that is the new chapter I am starting in my life. I was accepted Tuesday into the University of Utah's Physics Ph.D. program. I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. This should be quite the adventure.