Thursday, November 20, 2008

In responce to a responce

Lino A Graglia wrote, University of Texas Professor of Law, "Purporting merely to enforce the Constitution, the Supreme Court has for some thirty years usurped and exercised legislative powers that its predecessors could not have dreamed of, making itself the most powerful and important institution of government in regard to the nature and quality of life in our society... it has literally decided issues of life and death, removing from the states the power to prevent or significantly restrain the practice of abortion, and, after effectively prohibiting capital punishment for two decades, now imposing such costly and time-consuming restrictions on its use as almost to amount to prohibition. In the area of morality and religion, the Court has removed from both the federal and state government nearly all power to prohibit the distribution and sale or exhibition of pornographic materials.... it has prohibited the states from providing for prayer or Bible-reading in public schools. The Court has created for criminal defendants rights that do not exist under any other system of law-- for example, the possibility of almost endless appeals with all costs paid by the state-and which have made the prosecution and conviction of criminals so complex and difficult as to make the attempt frequently seem not worthwhile. It has severely restricted the power of the states and cities to limit marches and other public demonstrations and otherwise maintain order in the streets and other public places." (The constitution A heavenly Banner, pg 26-7 Ezra Taft Benson)

Our freedoms are being eroded away. Today we in many cases no longer have the choice, but are coerced into doing, or acting, or believing in this case, a certain way. I fear at this rate we’ll no longer have property rights within a decade. Article of faith 11 reads, “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” In many ways others would restrict us from such privileges. My ancestors fought for the beloved freedoms we have now, and now our freedoms are being thrown to the way side, which freedoms were bought with a heavy price. What is the price of freedom?

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