Monday, April 28, 2008


Today I made a trip to UVSC to hand visit with my Optics professor, and ran into my research professor. It was fun because me and Dr. Matheson (my research professor) ran to Bestbuy and bought a wireless network bridge kit for our solar lab trainer project. It was fun talking with him.

Afterwards I traveled home and where my family and I then left to pick up pkk, my younger brother, from school to go to the movies to see Forbidden kingdom. It was a great movie... though I had too much popcorn again! We came straight home because we were too full of junk food for dinner. On the way home we drove by the park where my old singles ward was having their family home evening; since it was close to my house I decided to drop by and tell my old friends about my exciting news as of last Tuesday (That I got a great offer from the University of Utah's physics Ph.D. program and and I received a teaching assistantship to help with expenses.). They were playing kickball and I decided to join in. We don't really know who's team won, but we had fun.

It was very good visiting with some of my old friends. They were all very surprised to see me because I haven't been to the ward in 2 months. (I have been attending my family ward, which has been good for me!) Anyway it's been quite an eventful day. After coming home me and pkk cooked ourselves up some food, and we watched the last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise - these are the voyages. It was a weird, yet very good episode. and now here I am, blogging away.

I have been chatting with Alishka throughout the day. She has a crazy week schedule, and her grandmother's memorial is in a few days. I hope she is well.

I'm still debating on whither or not I want to move out for this coming fall semester up at the University of Utah.. or if I want to commute. My friends are telling me to move, my family wants me to commute... My professors are telling me to move up there, and experience it. We'll see who wins. Hopefully me!

1 comment:

alishka babushka said...

of course you will win. it's in your nature to win. :)